Top Reasons to Tune into NS2 Now 2020

SAP NS2 |  October 2020

On October 29, NS2 Now is going digital for the first time since we started the event 9 years ago.

While you won’t be able to enjoy mingling in person, you will have the chance to hear and learn from government and industry leaders – all from the comfort of your browser.

Join us for rich content that promises to deliver unique insights and perspectives on the topics you care about most, including: the evolving definition critical infrastructure, trends in cloud adoption and compliance, and the innovative technologies that can help us all adapt to a new normal.

We’ll focus on how the private and public sectors can collaborate to transform great ideas into real solutions that crush complex problems.

If you’re still undecided, here are the top reasons why NS2 Now should be at the top of your list of events:

Build superhero capabilities for defense

Palmer Luckey built a billion-dollar, virtual reality business in his garage. Three years ago, he founded defense company Anduril, which is taking a new approach to fusing artificial intelligence with advanced hardware.

During NS2 Now, Palmer will share some insights with you on innovation, artificial intelligence, and how we can turn soldiers into superheroes with the power of machines.

Learn how to protect critical infrastructure

For many, critical infrastructure defines vital physical and cyber government assets. Just about everything in connected to supporting our national economy, health, and safety.

At NS2 Now, leaders from government and policy makers will share insight on how we can protect critical systems across the industries and government, from financial services to healthcare, IT, manufacturing, energy, and public utilities.

Our panelists will dig into details about Foreign Investment in the United States, specifics on Section 889 of the National Defense Act, China’s influence on our technology, and more.

Find out why one size cloud doesn’t fit all

Agencies need a blend of people, processes and technology that meets their specific mission needs. Learn how finding the right fit depends on knowing agencies’ customers, the type of information they’re processing and their user base. FedRAMP® has been very successful at making that fit easier.

The program brings transparency and consistency to the government’s use of cloud technology. Our cloud leaders will discuss how aligning the right solutions with individual customers’ needs can ensure everyone’s success.

You can earn CPE credits

For the first time, we’ll be offering Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for the Security and Cloud tracks. CPE sessions are free of charge and participants will earn 1.2 CPE credits for attending all (3) sessions within a single track. Learn more: NS2 NOW Digital Summit Evaluation and CPE Application

Lunch is on us

All registrants are eligible for a $25 Uber Eats lunch voucher. Join us over your sandwich (or breakfast if you’re on the West Coast) and learn all about cloud, innovation, and security solutions for the most pressing challenges we all face today.

If you can’t make it, be sure to register anyway!

You’ll be the first to know when on demand access is available. So, what are you waiting for? Register today at:


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